Balance level standing on unstable surface in women differentiated by their field of study

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 73


Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the degree of differentiation in the level of postural stability under dynamic conditions (forced by moving surface) in female students depending on their chosen field of study.The following research questions were put forward:1. does the selected field of study and the level of physical activity of the women associated with this field affect their postural stability?2. do the potential, observed differences in stability of the studied student groups exist to a similar extent in the frontal and sagittal planes?Basic procedures: The studies involved a total of 87 women, students of three faculties: Collegium Medicum (CM) obstetrics (33), AWF physiotherapy (28), AWF physical education (26). The premise qualifying the participants for the group was lack of previous contact with competitive sports. Postural stability tests were carried out on an EasyTech Libra postural balance platform. They included two trials, carried outseparately in the frontal and sagittal planes (a total of four measurements):1. standing position, feet parallel, straight line, with feedback;2. standing position, feet parallel, sinusoid, with feedback.Conclusions:1. Among the students of various fields of study, there were no statistically significant differences with respect to all of the tested parameters of postural stability. The differentiating group, the stability of which significantly exceeded the others, consisted of physical education students. There were no differences in the level of stability among female students of obstetrics and physiotherapy. The causes of identified diversity should be seen in the level of physical activity of the studied women.2. There were no significant differences in the stability level of the individual student groups considered in the frontal and sagittal planes, in maintaining a standing position on the platform or in the performance of the equivalent task by the studied students. The scale of differentiation degree between the groups was similar irrespective of the direction of platform deflection.

Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Tchórzewski, Janusz Brudecki, Przemysław Bujas, Marek Palik, Marek Szczygieł, Ewa Zagata-Łuc


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Dariusz Tchórzewski, Janusz Brudecki, Przemysław Bujas, Marek Palik, Marek Szczygieł, Ewa Zagata-Łuc (2016). Balance level standing on unstable surface in women differentiated by their field of study. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 26(73), 25-34.