Banking Information Systems Security Management Mechanisms


Given that the bank has the client data in its possession it needs to be protected against misappropriation, modification, or destruction at all times. The purpose of this article is present relevant approaches for protection from information security threats through the use of cloud technology which will allow to reduce costs and increase efficiency of information technology systems supporting business processes of the bank. Global digitalization trend with mass migration of the end users from desktop to mobile devices and from paper based to digital work flows requires banks to reconsider the scope of traditional IT security. This means that the bank should review approaches to deliver high quality of service to customers at low cost and still maintaining sustainable level of security. Use-cases for implementation of Single sign-on hereinafter SSO) and Identity as a service cloud based solutions formulated in this article. Implementation will allow to address problems and to improve both security and operational efficiency of bank`s work-flows. Considered future scope of information security and cloud based IT solutions of the Vendors. State of the art mechanisms for management of banking information systems security to address respective issues were analyzed in scope of the article. Researched trends for steering of IT security to mitigate threats including those originated by cloud technology for bank entireties. Proposed modern approach for building of safety net via introduction of Trusted Third Party, implementation of SSO and federated access scenarios. The results of the study can be validated through the implementation of relevant projects driven by challenges and trends in the banking sector, market and regulatory changes.

Authors and Affiliations

Roman Baglai


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  • EP ID EP509154
  • DOI 10.32515/2409-9392.2018.31.111-118
  • Views 70
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How To Cite

Roman Baglai (2018). Banking Information Systems Security Management Mechanisms. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 31(), 111-118.