Basic factors of law in the field innovative activity special modes formation
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 139, Issue 139
In this paper author considers the content and purpose of special economic regime as interconnected phenomena. The key elements of special economic regime tend to be governmental aid, additional guarantees of rights of business entities and privileges. Special innovation activity regime should be aimed at realization and protection of interests of innovation activities participants and minimization of risks which accompany this activity. However, the author stresses on impossibilities to a special mode of innovation in the form of a universal constant that would be equally effective for all objects of such regime. Therefore, when forming special innovation activities regimes, it is proposed to apply such methodological approaches that take into account the specifics of an individual is aimed at relations, which direct object is a certain innovative product or technology; subjective approach stipulates peculiarities of innovation activity subjects functioning. The conclusion emphasizes that key factors in special economy regimes formation in the sphere of innovation should be development of national innovation system and especially its infrastructure element, development of legislation in the field of cooperation between each other and with other economic entities and innovative clusters formation.
Authors and Affiliations
Вадад Вакім
Предметна форма опису системи запобігання злочинності (морфологічний аналіз)
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