Basic Ideology of Thomas Aquinas in the Colleague Period


“Scholastic” is a term derived from the Ancient Greek word σχολαστικός ( Scholasticos ), translated into Latin as “Scholastica”, meaning “belonging to research, scholarship”. This is a way of thinking and scientific reasoning, developed among Latin scholars in the Middle Ages (5th – 15th century). The basic content refers to a spirit that wants to use reason to serve religion. Therefore, the method of discovering traces of God according to this trend is to emphasize the relationship between two types of science: the science of reason (consciousness comes from nature in humans) and the science of faith (human consciousness comes from enlightenment from God). When discussing this topic in this period, the most profound thinker was probably Thomas Aquinas. Grandfather is considered the greatest scholastic theologian of the 13th century in Western Europe. With the rich content of his thoughts, he was not only officially recognized by the Christian Church as an orthodox thought, but his thoughts also had a profound influence on philosophers following the trend of religious philosophy. His best known works are Summa Theologica and Summa contra Gentiles. He was recognized by the Christian Church. veneration, beatification and canonization.

Authors and Affiliations

PhD. Dinh Van Chien,


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  • EP ID EP761697
  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i12n16
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How To Cite

PhD. Dinh Van Chien, (2024). Basic Ideology of Thomas Aquinas in the Colleague Period. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 3(12), -.