Basic somatic features versus physical activity tested in the terms of Health-Related Fitness convention in selected periods of ontogenesis
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 50
[b]Aim of the research.[/b] 1. To recognize the role of particular developmental biological age components in the diversification of selected physical activity components examined in the terms of H-RF convention. 2. To determine in main periods of ontogenesis the effectiveness limit for the methods of relativization of the convention’s basic components of physical activity using the traditional formula for calculating the developmental biological age.[b]Material.[/b] Among 6353 boys at the age of 9–18, tested in 1996–2005 in Małopolska region, 150 individuals in three age groups of 9–10, 13–14 and 17–8 were chosen. After that, selected community was divided into 3 groups, each 50 individuals. The criterion was the level of height and weight. To estimate statistical analysis only subjects form two extreme ranges of variables were considered.[b]Methods.[/b] In the age groups and the extreme fractions group of the tested, the x– and SD values of the physical activity components in the terms of H-RF convention were estimated. It enabled to normalize the 0 and 1 level of the intergroup differences as well as to describe the statistical significances. To estimate the strength between the independent variables (the height and weight levels) and dependent variables (physical activity components in the terms of H-RF convention) Pearson correlation and part-correlation methods were used. The significance of the intergroup differences and correlation coefficients were tested by t° Student test.[b]Results.[/b] The part-correlation has revealed no significant role of the calendar age in determining the developmental biological age of individuals. The body mass age and, to a lesser extent, the body height age and life length alike had an influence on the numerical value of tested groups. Calendar age did not always affect the diversity of motor and functional components of individuals.[b]Conclusions.[/b] Everything indicates that in order to do relative physical activity evaluation of boys in connection with their progressive development in the terms of H-RF convention there are good reasons to use abbreviated formula of calculating developmental biological age (the quotient of mass age and body height age) of individuals passing over their chronological age.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Januszewski, Edward Mleczko
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