In the article, Pierre Bourdieu’s “habitus” theory is employed to discuss Henryk Sienkiewicz’s hunting practices. Particular attention is devoted to the way the writer defines the concept of “masculinity” and its relatio...
Due to extreme discrepancies in comprehension of the literary myth, many modern
literary scholars consider it as a very broad concept which may be used for any occasion
to define any research subject. The myth is often i...
The article discusses the way of functioning of an atomic bomb in Jacek Dukaj’s works.
A lot of attention is particularly paid to the analysis of the functions the A-bomb fulfils in this
writer’s contemporary novel – Xav...
EP ID EP187983
Views 79
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How To Cite
(2016). Bayamus, czyli lektury obowiązkowe zupełnie wolnych ludzi (zapis dyskusji). Przegląd Humanistyczny, 60(3),
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Strzelba Sienkiewicza. Wstęp do badań nad praktykami myśliwskimi autora Trylogii
In the article, Pierre Bourdieu’s “habitus” theory is employed to discuss Henryk Sienkiewicz’s hunting practices. Particular attention is devoted to the way the writer defines the concept of “masculinity” and its relatio...
Jak zdefiniować mit literacki, czyli o (rozwiązanym) problemie francuskich literaturoznawców
Due to extreme discrepancies in comprehension of the literary myth, many modern literary scholars consider it as a very broad concept which may be used for any occasion to define any research subject. The myth is often i...
Osiem pojęć naukowych – w podróży
Listy Hermana Liebermana do Heleny Rosenbach-Deutsch. Wstęp do edycji
Użyteczna czy bezużyteczna? Bomba atomowa w twórczości Jacka Dukaja
The article discusses the way of functioning of an atomic bomb in Jacek Dukaj’s works. A lot of attention is particularly paid to the analysis of the functions the A-bomb fulfils in this writer’s contemporary novel – Xav...