Базова математична модель оперативного оцінювання в’язкості пульпи при подрібненні руди кульовими млинами

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 2


BASIC MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF OPERATIVE PULP VISCOSITY EVALUA-TION OF ORE GRINDING BALL MILL Matsui A.N., Kondratets V.A. Abstract Significant overspending of electricity, steel balls and lining when grinding ore with ball mills increases the cost of the concentrate and reduces its competitiveness and domestic iron and steel products on the international market. The lack of means for determining the viscosity of pulp in a ball mill of the first grinding stage does not allow improving these results. As this publication is aimed at solving this problem, it is an actual topic. The purpose of this publication is to develop an approach for virtual operational estimation of pulp viscosity in a ball mill operating in a closed cycle with a single-spiral classifier. The most perfect model for determining the viscosity of disperse media is G.S. Khodakov's model, which can not be used to determine the viscosity of a pulp. It is shown that, taking into account the features of the pulp in a ball mill, it is possible to make a transition to the determination of another, more convenient parameter for estimating the viscosity of the pulp. It can be effectively implemented by grinding a specific technological ore variety in the deposit. The basic mathematical model for estimating the viscosity of a pulp is reduced to determining the distance between particles of a solid with respect to its density, size, and density of the mixture. The growth of pulp density and the reduction in the particle size of solid particles leads to an increase in the undulation of the interlayers of the dispersion medium, which affects the viscosity of the mixture. The mathematical model unambiguously characterizes the relationship between the investigated parameters both in the regions of positive and conditionally negative values of the distance between solid particles. The distance between solid particles in the pulp unambiguously characterizes its viscosity when the grain size is changed under conditions of a given sparse dispersion medium. The proposed base model contains the known solid density, pulp density, which is known or can be measured, and the weighted average solid size, which makes it possible to apply it for the rapid assessment of pulp viscosity and even for parameter prediction. Since the basic model reduces to determining the distance between solid particles, it must be "adapted" to specific technological conditions and the material that is ground. The problem of finding the basic mathematical model for the operative estimation of pulp viscosity during ore grinding in ball mills with sands of a mechanical single-spiral classifier was solved for the first time. 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Authors and Affiliations

А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець


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  • EP ID EP444750
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.2(39)2018.154232
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How To Cite

А. М. Мацуй, В. О. Кондратець (2018). Базова математична модель оперативного оцінювання в’язкості пульпи при подрібненні руди кульовими млинами. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 135-146. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-444750