Between the World of “Active Alcoholism” and the Reality of Recovery. (Re)socialisation Mechanisms of the Alcoholics Anonymous
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2014, Vol 10, Issue 1
The aim of this article is to present the characteristics of (re)socialisation mechanisms employed by the Alcoholics Anonymous from the perspective of changing the subuniverse of “active alcoholism” into the reality of recovery. The presented conclusions have been formulated on the basis of qualitative studies of monographic and biographical character. I used the procedure of field research and in-depth poll. Moreover, I applied the criteria of grounded theory methodology. The sample consisted of 18 recovering alcoholics from the AA groups in Poznan. As a result of the empirical studies I conducted, I distinguished four mechanisms of (re)socialisation: the affiliate-affective mechanism, communicative-cognitive mechanism, catharsis – the creation of new identity, and the mechanism of supporting conversion. Due to the said mechanisms, social actors gained the chance of alternation – the therapeutic subuniverse of AA gradually became the “basic reality,” the “everyday world” of the recovering alcoholics.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Trzebiatowski
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