Beyond comprehension of evil in postmodern philosophy
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
The article examines the ideology components of the new technological and information civilization, an expanded sense of evil understanding in terms of information civilization, new understanding of the essence. Peculiarities of the individual’s activity, the existence of good and evil, roles of society’s information consumption of informatization in social development are described. The article is devoted to definition of edge of evil and mainstreaming. Understanding of the category of evil in postmodern philosophy, as a process of development of civilizations and ways of development of mankind. The relevance of the study of evil due to its modernization in connection with the new realities of the information civilization. The appeal to the category of evil asso-ciated with the crisis of culture and spirituality, appears as a denial of the fullness of being, an affirmation of chaos, multiplicity and selfishness. The article examines the influence of philosophical ideas of Leibniz, A. Maktari process of the formation of postmodern philosophy. Concepts by K. Marx, N.I. Danilevsky, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee, K. Jaspers described the civilization progress as the process of degradation of culture, as gradual degradation of good. The existence of modern people – this being in multiple dimensions, multirealities associated with life in illusions. Thus the ideas of G. Snooks, A. Panov, N. Moiseyev, A. Nazaretyan, S. Huntington, and others seem to be interesting. Technology intellectualization, humanization also hide certain dangers to humans, to transformation of its will. The processes of development of civilizations and human development are described by philosophers Fukuyama F., Wallersteiner V., Huntington S., P.J. Buchanan etc. Importance of virtual reality for the present and attitude mark A. Alekseyev, A. Boiko, F. Vlasenko, N. Milanova, S. Kurbatov, S. Marika, A. Perelomov and other. It is emphasized that today perception of space and time are disturbed. Issues concerning the nature of evil, the nature and content of the negative moral values are studied. The phenomenon of objectivity, the nature of goodness, and its divine nature. The specific features of the evil conceptualization as the world of information of human existence are revealed. The emergence of a new type of society – a society of consumption is determined. The concepts describing the civilization progress as the process of degradation of culture, as gradual degradation of good are defined. The objectivity of the nature of goodness, and its divine nature. Issues concerning the nature of evil, the nature and content of the negative moral values are studied.
Authors and Affiliations
Mykola Nesprova
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