Journal Title: Revista MVZ Cordoba - Year 2009, Vol 14, Issue 1


Objective. To analyze the bibliometric behavior of the journal MVZ-Córdoba and to identify indicators to facilitate decisions that may improve the quality of the publication. Materials and methods. Volumes 1 to 13 consisted of 49.2% original articles, 17.4% thesis abstracts, 17.7% other documents, 8.9% reviews, 4.3% clinical cases, 1.3% opinion articles, 1.0% brief communications and 0.3% institutional articles, for a total of 305 manuscripts by 915 authors citing 4881 references. Indices of collaboration (IC), productivity (IP), Price (IO), aging, insularity (IA) and self-citation (SCR) were calculated; the percentage, distribution and type of articles, the number of authors and the average number of references were also evaluated. Results. The IC, IP, IO, IA and SCR general indices were 3.0, 2.18, 30.3, 7.67 and 8.9% respectively. Burton-Kebler analysis showed an annual aging between 90.5 and 95.1%; loss of currency was 4.93 to 9.52%. Conclusions. The Journal has shown an increasing quality which it is corroborated by its international indexation. In order to maintain increasing quality, the age of the references, the SCR and the IA should be regulated; the Price index and the half life should be increased; bibliometric measurements should be increased in frequency; and monitoring should be established for the bibliometric indexes that are generated through indexing of the journal MVZ Códoba.

Authors and Affiliations

Lina M. Carreño, Microbióloga| Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana, Departamento de Microbiologia, Grupo de Biotecnología Ambiental e Industrial, Bogotá, D.C., Raúl A. Poutou-Piñales, Ph. D *| Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana, Departamento de Microbiologia, Grupo de Biotecnología Ambiental e Industrial, Bogotá, D.C.Correspondecia:, Salim Mattar, Ph. D| Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas del Trópico, Montería. Colombia., Marco González T, M. Sc| Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas del Trópico, Montería. Colombia.


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How To Cite

Microbióloga, Ph. D *, Ph. D, M. Sc (2009). BIBLIOMETRIC ACTIVITY INDICATORS FOR THE JOURNAL MVZ CÓRDOBA 1994-2008. Revista MVZ Cordoba, 14(1), 1531-1543.