This paper deals with legal analysis of the term „macroprudential information” and describes the legal foundations, importance of the macroprudential information in the process of ensuring financial stability on the fina...
The quality of education in higher education concerns both the process of education and higher education as a good produced as a result of education processes. In the last several dozen years, the quality of education ha...
Interpretation is one of key notions on the convergence axis of law and literature. Both lawyers and literary scholars during their practices focus on interpreting complex language texts, establishing the meaning of expr...
Klauzule KNU często są stosowane na rynkach zależnych od platform internetowych,gdzie sprzedawca jest obowiązany oferować swój towar na najlepszych warunkach. Z perspektywy prawa konkurencji klauzule te rodzą kontrowersj...
EP ID EP62320
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How To Cite
Agnieszka Doczekalska (2010). [b][i]Equality of Languages at a Time of Legal Multilingualism[/i][/b]. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem, 3(1),
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Glosa do wyroku 7 sędziów NSA z dnia 17 czerwca 2013 r., II FSK 702/11
Macroprudential Information on the Financial Market and its Functions
This paper deals with legal analysis of the term „macroprudential information” and describes the legal foundations, importance of the macroprudential information in the process of ensuring financial stability on the fina...
The quality of education in higher education (a perspective of an organisational game)
The quality of education in higher education concerns both the process of education and higher education as a good produced as a result of education processes. In the last several dozen years, the quality of education ha...
Legal interpretation vs. literary interpretation - a few observations
Interpretation is one of key notions on the convergence axis of law and literature. Both lawyers and literary scholars during their practices focus on interpreting complex language texts, establishing the meaning of expr...
Dopuszczalność klauzul największego uprzywilejowania (KNU) na platformach bookingowych w prawie konkurencji
Klauzule KNU często są stosowane na rynkach zależnych od platform internetowych,gdzie sprzedawca jest obowiązany oferować swój towar na najlepszych warunkach. Z perspektywy prawa konkurencji klauzule te rodzą kontrowersj...