[b][i]Investments that Guarantee Energy Security vs. the Protection of the Threatened Areas of Natura 2000[/i][/b]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2010, Vol 2, Issue 1
The protection of the environment is a matter of the law of the EU (the habitats directive, the birds directive), the national law, as well as the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the statements of the European Commission. Investments that violate the legal rules concerning the protection of the environment included in the Natura 2000 areas can only be carried out when there is no alternative location and when this decision is based on an overriding public interest. A possible public interest is the need to provide energy security for the country. Thus, it can be concluded that values protected by law are not equally protected and in the case of the above mentioned conflict en-ergy security is an overriding value. This conflict will most certainly become more and more evident with the increase of the rank of basic rights, which ensuring security is undoubtedly one of.Energy security is subject to all legal systems, but in the context that interests us the most important is the sphere of Community law and the Polish law. The very complicated definition of the position of the European Commission also plays an important role, and in case of an argument, the position of the European Court of Justice. The need to investigate each case separately is the result of the fact that decisions that acknowledge an overriding public interest in fact exists are based on research in a num-ber of separate domains, especially economics, law and political science. Thus, the assessment of whether protected areas are being damaged is a matter of legal consideration only on the surface.In Polish legislation, the guarantee for energy security is one of the goals of the so called sector regu-lation and is an obligatory element of the national economic policy (energy policy). However, it needs to remembered that energy security is not only a legal construction, but also a set of actual state of affairs, such as the technical state of energy plants as well as of the ad hoc needs of the member states, since the discussed notion is included in the sphere of state sovereignty.
Authors and Affiliations
Waldemar Hoff
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