The article is based on two different research experiences and describes the theoretical tools that were used in the analysis of large urban neighbourhoods. By reflecting on those experiences, we want to show the limitat...
This paper is a response to Katarzyna Dębska’s review of the book Para, mieszkanie, małżeństwo.
It discusses limitations of the research presented in the book; it also refers to the author’s other
papers that provide mor...
Increasingly, social research is devoted to the issue of age, with particular emphasis on the extreme
stages of human life, i.e. childhood and old age. While sociologists in recent years have elaborated
many works dedica...
Aleksander Manterys (2014). Bilans transformacji: jedna czy wiele Polsk? - esej. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 63(4),
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Parkowanie i troska. Teoria praktyki w badaniach nad osiedlami wielkomiejskimi / Car parking and care. Researching urban neighbourhoods with the theory of social practices
The article is based on two different research experiences and describes the theoretical tools that were used in the analysis of large urban neighbourhoods. By reflecting on those experiences, we want to show the limitat...
Odpowiedź Filipa Schmidta na recenzję Katarzyny Dębskiej
This paper is a response to Katarzyna Dębska’s review of the book Para, mieszkanie, małżeństwo. It discusses limitations of the research presented in the book; it also refers to the author’s other papers that provide mor...
Krystyna Lutyńska – Wspomnienie
„Dziecięcy zwrot” w socjologii i polityce społecznej
Increasingly, social research is devoted to the issue of age, with particular emphasis on the extreme stages of human life, i.e. childhood and old age. While sociologists in recent years have elaborated many works dedica...
Kondycja intelektualna i etyczna badacza społecznego