Bilingual Education

Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 11


Abstract: The need to communicate with the other members of the society for different purposes leaded to the need to learn a foreign language, a second language. Thus the people who spoke two or more languages have more access on communication. The easy way to communicate that was as the result of knowing a foreign language, had a lot of advantages in every field of life. Nowadays speaking and writing another language is more than a necessity. The following paper treat the effectiveness of bilingual education as a theoretical concept, how help the young learners and the benefit in the Albanian education system. The Albanian education system now days have changed and these are reflected even in accepting and entering a foreign language to the school system. Classes have pupils/ learners of different background and teachers use several methods and programs. According to the level of the classes there are used different programs. Keywords: Bilingual, foreign language, education, multilingual, communication

Authors and Affiliations

Nertil Guri


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How To Cite

Nertil Guri (2017). Bilingual Education. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(11), 1039-1049.