Bio-plastic - between current practices and the challenges of a sustainable future
Journal Title: Manager Journal - Year 2018, Vol 27, Issue
In a globalized economy built on intensive consumption of natural resources and environmentally damaging actions, it is imperative to identify solutions that help to reduce pollution. In line with efforts to maximize the value of natural resources and minimize toxic materials in the environment, many countries have developed bio-economic strategies that contribute to the conversion of bio-basic raw materials to develop organic products (bio-plastic , bio-pharmaceuticals, green chemicals etc.). In Europe, there are already countries that have established bio-economic policies (Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Scotland and the Netherlands), and an European strategy is already being discussed at EU level. Countries that are already implementing bio-economic principles are positioned as research and innovation centers for bio-products, green energy, bio-economic processes and services. In this context, bio-plastics play an important role due to their potential to contribute to improving the quality of the environment and, implicitly, the well-being of the planet’s inhabitants. Given the issues raised, the article aims to make a brief analysis of the importance and evolution of the field of bio-plastics at a globall and European level, trying to bring forth the best examples of good practice from countries that are already implementing such policies and whose economies are becoming more and more bio (green economies). In addition to being environmentally friendly, the bio-plastics sector also has an important potential to generate job growth, costs savings and natural resources etc.
Authors and Affiliations
Ioana Gabriela Cosma
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