Biointensive integrated management of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Brassica spp.

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 4


Field experiment was conducted at Regional Research station, Samargopalpur, Rohtak (Haryana) during Rabi season of the year 2015-2016 to evaluate bioefficacy of various treatments against mustard aphid, Lipaphis-erysimi on Indian mustard. Treatments were: T1–Verticillium lecanii @ 108 CS/ml, T2–Beauveria bassiana @ 108 CS/ml, T3 - Neem seed kernel extract @ 5%, T4 - Neem seed methanol extract @ 5%, T5 - V. lecanii @ 108 CS/ml + Clipping of infested twigs, T6 - B. bassiana @ 108 CS/ml + Clipping of infested twigs, T7 - NSKE @ 5% + Clipping of infested twigs, T8 - V. lecanii @ 108 CS/ml + NSKE @ 5%, T9 - B. bassiana @ 108 CS/ml + NSKE @ 5%, T10 - Dime-thoate 30EC @ 250 ml/acre. Dimethoate was found to be most effective in reducing the aphid population (95.03 %) followed by V. lecanii @ 108 CS/ml + NSKE @ 5% (88.52 %), NSKE @ 5% + Clipping of infested twigs (87.77 %) and B. bassiana @ 108 CS/ml + NSKE @5% (86.91 %) after ten days of spray. The highest seed yield was recorded in treatment dimethoate 30EC (1702 kg/ha) followed by V.lecanii @ 108 CS/ml +NSKE @ 5% (1635 kg/ha), NSKE @ 5% + Clipping of infested twigs (1626 kg/ha) and B.bassiana @ 108 CS/ml + NSKE @ 5% (1617 kg/ha). Dimethoate was found to be highly cost effective with highest cost benefit ratio (1:14.92) followed by NSKE @ 5% + clipping of infested twigs (1:13.81) and NSKE @ 5% (1:11.41).

Authors and Affiliations

Deepak Sharma, Satyapal Yadav, Sunita Yadav


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  • EP ID EP287205
  • DOI 10.31018/jans.v9i4.1499
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How To Cite

Deepak Sharma, Satyapal Yadav, Sunita Yadav (2017). Biointensive integrated management of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Brassica spp.. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2132-2136.