[b][i]Property vs. Social Theory and Law Theory. About Michał Kaczmarczyk’s Book: [/i]An Introduction to the Sociological Theory on Property, [/b][i][b]Scientific Publishers (Oficyna Naukowa), Warsaw 2006, p. 324 [/b][/i]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2009, Vol 1, Issue 1
The author presents a text written after reading the book of Michał Kaczmarczyk. He claims that the book can be classified as literature on law and social theory. Subsequently, he moves on to presenting his own reflections regarding the book. According to him, the most valuable element of the book is where the author demonstrates the economic and legal placement of property. The text refers to Weber, Durkheim, Petrażycki, Luhmann, Hegel, Rawls. The author points out some weaknesses of the book and discusses its most interesting parts.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Czarnota
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