This study claims that the word al-Sāmirī for the maker of the calf in the Qur’an was used for the Josephite in general sense and the Ephraimite in particular. The author proposes that the word Sāmirī derives from sa-mer...
EP ID EP607363
DOI 10.1501/Ilhfak_0000001467
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Yasin Meral (2017). “Biz Yaḥyā ismini daha önce kimseye vermedik!”
(19/Meryem:7). Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(1),
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Felicien Challaye. Dinler Tarihi. Çev. Samih Tiryakioğlu. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 2007. 6. Baskı. 223 s. ISBN: 978-975-434-004-4
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This study claims that the word al-Sāmirī for the maker of the calf in the Qur’an was used for the Josephite in general sense and the Ephraimite in particular. The author proposes that the word Sāmirī derives from sa-mer...