Black lists as an instrument preventing the use of tax havens
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 4
Black lists are the most influential in the project against tax havens. By relying on its authority and pre-eminence among economically-oriented international organisations, the OECD’s use of the expression “tax havens” started being regarded as endowed with a pejorative meaning. Countries have reacted to the massive growth of tax haven sectors by enacting specific legislation and administrative rules aiming at curbing transfers to tax havens, and judicially attacked tax haven transactions as shams. The main purpose of these measures was to prevent local taxpayers from sheltering income in tax havens through the use of formal structures lacking economic substance. In order not to unduly restrict legitimate international trade and cross-border investment activities, domestic anti-tax haven regulations generally draw a line between tax haven operations and legitimate international business activities, and apply only with reference to the former.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Arkadiusz Nawrocki
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