Bogusław Gediga, Dagmara Łaciak, Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńska, Małgorzata Markiewicz, Świat kolorów garncarzy z rejonu Domasławia sprzed około 2800 lat, Wrocław 2017, ss. 424 + CD, ISBN 978-83-949882-0-3.
Journal Title: Przegląd Archeologiczny - Year 2018, Vol 66, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Urban
Luděk Galuška, Slované – stopy předků. O Moravě v 6.-10. století, Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno 2017, ss. 303, ISBM 978-80-7028-488-9.
Problem funkcjonowania wczesnośredniowiecznej pracowni szklarskiej w obrębie niemczańskiego kompleksu osadniczego
The problem of the existence of early medieval glass workshops in Silesia has been constantly discussed by various researchers for many years. Niemcza – apart from Wrocław, Opole and Obiszów – is one of the centres where...
Wyroby miedziane kultury jordanowskiej ze stan. 10/11/12 w Domasławiu, gm. Kobierzyce, w świetle badań metaloznawczych
A rich set artefacts made of copper comes from the cemetery of the Jordanów culture discovered at the site No. 10/11/12 in Domasław, Kobierzyce commune. This article presents the results of metallographic research of sel...
Anatomia pustki: o archeologicznym rekonesansie lotni czym w północno -wschodniej części Dolne go Śląska
In this paper, the authors focused on discussing problems related to the notion of “emptiness”, the category often functioning in archaeological narratives. Its aim is to try to answer the question: why the application o...
The newly discovered spur of the Lutomiersk type from the Sambia Peninsula. A contribution to research on the Slavic-Baltic contacts
The paper presents a new discovery of a spur of the Lutomiersk type from the Sambia Peninsula. This is the second finding of this type from the former Old Prussian area. The authors have brought closer the history of res...