Bombardowania lotnicze z perspektywy prawa międzynarodowego.
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 4
In the light of the most commonly accepted social norm, the land warfare law regulations apply to aerial warfare in case when the air forces operate in airspace above a land or in favour of land forces. Naval warfare law regulations apply in case of air force operation over a sea or in favour of naval forces. Therefore aerial bombardment is regulated by the same law provisions of international humanitarian law of armed conflicts as bombardment carried out in land or naval warfare. Targets, facilities, weapons and the way of attacking are subjected to these regulations. Additional restrictions imposed only on air forces concern the use of incendiary weapons and cluster bombs. The recent military operations practice, especially lessons learned from Allied Force operation show the need of further aerial warfare law development.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiesław Marud
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