Boosting membrane transmissibility with an impulse electric field

Journal Title: Інженерія природокористування - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


Conductivity of cells in PEF based on electroporation is specified by electrical membrane properties which are largely dependent on its geometric structure. Basic geometrical properties of a cell and a membrane are formulated in the article. They are defined as objects of mathematical modeling with a goal to theoretically ground the methodical modes of electroporation, dealing with pulse conductometry of cells. A probabilistic model of a cell conductivity is proposed for a membrane electroporation in PEF with increasing tension. Exponential characteristic of a cell conductivity growth is constructed assum-ing the increase in elektropor caliber until a membrane disruption occurs when critical field strength is reached. The developed model allows theoretically ground and compute field parameters, provid-ing safe and critical modes of electroporation while performing pulse conductometry of living animal cells.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. E. Megel, V. A. Shigimaga, S. N. Kovalenko, T. B. Belikova


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How To Cite

Yu. E. Megel, V. A. Shigimaga, S. N. Kovalenko, T. B. Belikova (2016). Boosting membrane transmissibility with an impulse electric field. Інженерія природокористування, 1(2), 119-124.