Brahispina – hereditary anomaly reducing the fertility of cattle


Aim. Rigid selection for a limited number of signs of productivity and the use of artificial insemination of cows relatively small number of the best bulls-producers led to a decrease in genetic variability. The study of the genetic structure of the golshtinized cattle population for the FANCI gene, which determines the development of Brachispinal Syndrome (BY), is relevant for the development of livestock breeding in the Republic of Belarus. The negative influence of this recessive genetic defect in the homozygous state leads to embryonic death or calf death in the early postembryonic period. Therefore, the hereditary brachispinal anomaly refers to the haplotype of HHO fertility. Methods. The material is DNA extracted from biological samples of animal tissues (blood, pinch of an ear). The studies were carried out using molecular genetic methods: PCR, sequencing. Results. 325 cattle were screened for mutation сarriers (HH0 (BY) fertility haplotypes). The frequency of carriers of mutations of the FANCI gene associated with bovine fertility in Belarus (HH0 (BYC)) is 3.38 %. Conclusions. Animals-carriers of the mutation are excluded from the selection process. In the future, it is necessary to strictly control the quality of imported pedigree products (material) to the Republic of Belarus.Keywords: haplotypes, fertility, mutations carriers, Brachyspina.

Authors and Affiliations

М. Е. Михайлова, А. И. Киреева, Е. Л. Романишко


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How To Cite

М. Е. Михайлова, А. И. Киреева, Е. Л. Романишко (2018). Brahispina – hereditary anomaly reducing the fertility of cattle. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 149-153.