BRICS - a security's creator in the international environment - the role of the Russian Federation against the background of the Crimea Crisis

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2013, Vol 2013, Issue 93


In November 2001, an analyst at Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill for groupof the four largest emerging markets with high economic potential has created the acronym“BRIC”. These markets belong to the Federative Republic of Brazil , the Russian Federation,the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China. In February 2011, the groupwas expanded to include South Africa, causing a change in the name of the group to„BRICS”.According to Goldman Sachs' forecasts, in the near future the world's economies,in particular, equity markets will depend on the economic development of this groupof countries. In addition , in 2050 the total value of the BRICS economies will exceed thevalue of the G-7 economies . Such predictions seem quite reasonable, taking into accountthe fact that the BRICS countries have a significant amount of resources. For example,China is a source of cheap labor , both Russia and South Africa have large stocks of naturalresources , agro-industry in Brazil is very highly developed , while India has cheapintellectual resources.So today is not only the BRICS group of countries with considerable economic potential, but also has a number of general political interest , which allow members of theBRICS to conduct a coordinated policy and acting as a strong player in the internationalarena. A total of BRICS occupy 26 % of the territory of the world, nearly 2.83 billionpopulation represents almost half of the total population entourage (42% ), while the combinednominal GDP ( 15,434 trillion ) is 14.6 % of global GDP ratio.This study refers to the facts and development forecasts for this group of countries.In this paper the author tries to define the directions of economic development of the „risinggiants”, their investment position in the world , the power supply of the „engine of theglobal economy”, their political views , but also the most important views on strengtheningeconomic and military new alliances.Due to the ensuing new military- political situation in the region of Eastern Europe(Crimea) and sustained in the course of writing the author tries to develop in a very marginalway to show how these events will affect the configuration of the world economy, andinfluence on the military- economic situation of the globe.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Limanowski


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How To Cite

Tomasz Limanowski (2013). BRICS - a security's creator in the international environment - the role of the Russian Federation against the background of the Crimea Crisis. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, 2013(93), 148-175.