Bring Value into the World in Times of Axionormative Chaos
Journal Title: Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue 4
It seems that questions regarding moral education, questions about the values that we are supposed to follow in our daily choices, have today taken on a special focus and the search for answers to them is urgently needed. The collapse of authorities, negative patterns, relativism, constant changes - all of this hinders the educational process. The need to take actions that introduce children and youth to the world of values is obvious and undisputed. However, the question of how to do so arises. Analyzing the research conducted by students as part of their diploma theses devoted to values and their implementation in everyday life has caused the appearance of numerous doubts and reflections. The following text was drafted over the course of many discussions conducted with students during the development of research material and is a pursuit of clues that might help in the transfer of values so that a child or young man could make them their own. It seems that the foundation of any moral education is the adult, aware of his own hierarchy of values, who holds an inner conviction about his essence and validity. Another indisputable element is the time that will allow the building of an authentic, trustful relationship based on dialogue. Only in such an authentic relationship that creates an area of freedom, respect and openness to otherness is there a chance of getting to know, accept and acknowledge a specific hierarchy of values as one’s own.
Authors and Affiliations
Renata Królikiewicz
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