Asymptotic method is applied and two-dimensional linear differential equations with partial derivatives from
geometrically nonlinear equations of three-dimensional problem of elasticity theory for two-layer anisotropic p...
D. F. Lebedev (1990). Brittle fracture of an elastic composite plane with wedge cut.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 43(2),
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On two-dimentional equations two-layer anisotropic plate on the bace of geometrically nonlinear equations of with incomplete (partial) contact between the layers
Asymptotic method is applied and two-dimensional linear differential equations with partial derivatives from geometrically nonlinear equations of three-dimensional problem of elasticity theory for two-layer anisotropic p...
On accelerated fatigue construction tests.
Some unsteady boundary problems for elastic medium bounded by fluid.
On the coefficient of transverse deformation of concrete creep.
The boundary layer of a two layer beam with slip.