Brodawczak płaskonabłonkowy woreczka łzowego
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 1
The benign lesions of the lacrimal sac are very rare. The most typical epithelial tumor is squamous papilloma. This tumors often present with symptoms of dacryostenosis and dacriocystitis. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is known to be causative agent in the development of epithelial tumor. Lacrimal sac tumors could transform to malignant neoplasms, especially if they are developed of coexisting HPV infection. We present a patient with a squamous papilloma of the lacrimal sac and discussed the method of treatment. The patient was suffered from epiphora and recurrent dacriocystitis. An endoscopic surgery with dacriocystorhinostomy and local resection of the tumor could be an effective method of choice. The usage of a shaver for wide removal of the lacrimal sac wall is recommended to prevent local recurrence. The histopathology examination showed squamous papilloma. The patient is free of the disease over 8 months of follow up. Primary lacrimal sac papilloma require long term follow up for recurrence or malignant transformation. HPV infection could be associated with the development of lacrimal sac papillomas.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Burduk, Małgorzata Seredyka-Burduk, Wojciech Kaźmierczak, Krzysztof Dalke, Andrzej Marszałek
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