Build Brand Equity: Analysis of Marketing Mix (Empirical Case Study against Re-Brand Ink contents Data Print)
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 2
Abstract:This study aimed to analyze the positive and significant effect of the marketing mix.The products of the partial brand equity, brand equity ratio price partially, place partially on brand equity, promotion of the brand equity and partial positive and significant impact Product, Price, Place, and Promotion of the brand equity simultaneously.The population of this study was students from six universities throughout Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi. With the classification of students who had used the ink refill brand Data Print, with starta economy class upper middle (ABC), aged between 17 s / d 55 years spread at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta State University, University of MercuBuana, Jakarta Muhammadiyah University, UniversityTarumanagara, University of Muhammadiyah Prof DrHamka. While the number of samples from a population of 146 598 students with MOE 5 percent at 5 percent confidence level based on the table of Isaac and Michael is 347 samples.Method of quantitative analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, followed by analysis of determination (R Square), partial hypothesis testing (t test) and simultaneous (test F). The results showed that the products are positive and significant impact on brand equity partially, Price has a significant and positive effect on brand equity partially, Places have a significant and positive effect on brand equity partially, Promotion positively and positively affects partial brand equity. And variable products, Price, Place and Promotion have a positive and significant effect on brand equity simultaneously. Keywords:Build Brand Equity, Influence Marketing mix 4P, Product Effect, Influence Price, Influence Points, Influence of Campaign.
Authors and Affiliations
Hapzi Ali, Niknik Ahmad Munawar, Dudi Permana, Adi Nurmahdi
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