“Bukvar Yuzhnorusskіy, 1861” by Taras Shevchenko in the communicative space of Ukraine: the reality and prospects of presence
Journal Title: Communications and Communicative Technologies - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 19
This study is an attempt to determine the role of the last text of T. G. Shevchenko’s “Bukvar Yuzhnorusskіy, 1861” in the whole communicative space of Ukraine.For this purpose, study was conducted in the following areas: characteristics of the era of writing the text and its entry into the communicative space; determining the place of the text in the creative history of the author; the study of the internal structure of the text; the characteristics of modernity regarding the presence of the text in the mass consciousness.In the process of the study, the following results have been obtained: according to the information given by the press of that time and the letters of T.G. Shevchenko “Bukvar Yuzhnorusskіy, 1861” became a significant event in public life; its compilation, printing and distribution became a reality because by that time the Ukrainian literature researchers had collected and printed a certain number of folk texts, Shevchenko had his own David Psalms cycle, and the society supported the idea of creating Sunday schools by charity meetings; modern Ukrainian society does not need the “Bukvar Yuzhnorusskіy, 1881”, due to the loss of the value of the textbook for elementary school and the lack of a need for the textbook of Christian morality; the quality research “Bukvar Yuzhnorusskіy, 1861” and its separate components (David Psalmi, duma) does not affect the relevance of the text in the mass consciousness.
Authors and Affiliations
I. Bucharskaya
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