Business risk challenges faced by entrepreneurs from the fruit and vegetables processing sector. Case study of Stara Zagora region
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 2
The purpose of the research is to focus on some of the challenges associated with business risk faced by entrepreneurs operationalizing in the sector ‘Processed and conserved fruit and vegetables’ in Stara Zagora region (Bulgaria). The authors point out the measures to reduce business risk associated with this sector, which measures are based on the data obtained by some modern methods for business risk analysis—the ‘break-even point analysis’ and the ‘percentage of variation’. Several indicators are calculated for the main three groups of the assortment structure: fruit and vegetable juices, conserved fruit and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. Knowledge and use of different methods for the analysis of business risk is a prerequisite for proper management for entrepreneurs. Their use would lead to the capture of warnings about a possible risk and taking appropriate action to prevent it.
Authors and Affiliations
Rumyana Angelova, Oleg Milev
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