Caesarean Section Trends from a Social Perspective
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 3
Abstract: There has been notice of an increased incidence of cesarean section; the main reasons include fear of and intolerance to pain in vaginal birth, lack of information and awareness of risks in caesarean section. This study has the objective to show the performance evaluation of the intervention by the patient and the compliance of the patient to the intervention. This is a prospective descriptive study, carried out by means of a questionnaire which was conducted with women who have given birth by caesarean section in the Regional Hospital of Shkodra. Simultaneously, to assess differences and trends among women who choose SC birth and women who choose natural vaginal birth during the same period of the study, we randomly selected and reviewed the records of 120 women who had given birth by vaginal route. This was considered as a control group. Variables compared between the study group and the control groups are: demographic data, stay time and complications after birth. In conclusion, much has been done to identify factors that indicate SC, at the same time efforts were made to assess the significance of each of these factors in the decision regarding the birth. Western trends nowadays indicate that the growing trend of SC is attributed to the woman’s wishes, to the ever-growing indications and to the ease of procedure of SC. Thus, our study has shown that 6 % of SC births were conducted with the desire of women and 34 % of women would choose SC due to their desire even if they had not had any indication of the SC. If we compare the two groups in regards to their economic status, we observe that there is no difference. On the other hand, SC is not only comfortable for women because they avoid pain during a vaginal birth, but it is also very comfortable for the doctor for two main reasons: first, time-effectiveness that SC birth provides, and second, with legal problems due to complications or injuries of the mother / the baby during vaginal birth. Keywords: Caesarean Section, Vaginal birth, Woman.
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