Alopecia is a common dermatological complaint. Affected patients are often distressed and attempt to arrest the hair loss by taking various over the counter nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals. The e...
Also called as physiologic anemic macules, Bier spots are small, hypopigmented irregularly shaped macules against
a background of diffuse erythema, which creates an appearance of speckled vascular mottling of the skin....
Background: Data on Severe cutaneous drug reactions (CADRs) are not common among in sub-Saharan Africa children. The purpose of this study was to document the clinical, etiological and evolutionary aspects of Severe CDRs...
Micronutrients in hair loss
Alopecia is a common dermatological complaint. Affected patients are often distressed and attempt to arrest the hair loss by taking various over the counter nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals. The e...
Blahoslav Bednar (1916-1998) i guz, który nosi jego imię
Bier spots
Also called as physiologic anemic macules, Bier spots are small, hypopigmented irregularly shaped macules against a background of diffuse erythema, which creates an appearance of speckled vascular mottling of the skin....
Severe cutaneous drug reactions in Guinean children: a monocentric retrospective study of 35 cases
Background: Data on Severe cutaneous drug reactions (CADRs) are not common among in sub-Saharan Africa children. The purpose of this study was to document the clinical, etiological and evolutionary aspects of Severe CDRs...
Badanie nad wykorzystaniem ablacyjnego lasera frakcyjnego w chirurgicznych i pourazowych bliznach
Wstęp: Ablacyjne lasery frakcyjne generują mikroskopijne kolumny poprzez koagulację tkanek naskórka i skóry właściwej wywołując reakcję gojenia ran. W tym badaniu zbadaliśmy skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo frakcyjnego...