Całkowite pourazowe rozdzielenie krtani od tchawic

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 3


SUMMARY Closed injuries with complete separation larynx and tracheae are very rare. They are connected with high risk of death in the place of an accident. It is connected with acute respiratory obstruction due to local edema and prese-nce of blood in the lumen of airway. We present the case of a complete laryngotracheal separation, 47-years-old male, as a result of a car accident. It has been surgically treated with good functional effect.

Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Świetlicki, Beata Piechnik, Agnieszka Wawrzecka, Janusz Klatka


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How To Cite

Maciej Świetlicki, Beata Piechnik, Agnieszka Wawrzecka, Janusz Klatka (2011). Całkowite pourazowe rozdzielenie krtani od tchawic. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(3), -.