Callus formation and organogenesis in tissue culture Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.


Aim. The aim of the work was to determine the optimal conditions for induction and proliferation of tissue culture obtained from D. antarctica plants from various localities of the Maritime Antarctica. Methods. Tissue and organ culture techniques. Results. The media В5 supplemented with 2 mg/l 2,4-D + 0,1 mg/l BAP, В5 supplemented with 10 mg/l 2,4-D + 0,2 mg/l BAP and МС, supplemented with 5 mg/l 2,4-D + 0,1 mg/l Kin were optimal for callus induction from different types of explants. The media with a reduced concentrations of auxins and cytokinins were the most effective for maintenance of continuous tissue culture compared to the media for callus induction: B5 + 2 mg/l 2,4-D mg/l + 0,1 mg/l BAP and MC + 1 mg/l 2,4-D + 0.1 mg/l Kin. Tissues from shoot growth point and leaf explants of genotypes DAR12a and G/D12-2a on medium B5 with 2 mg/l 2,4-D + 0.1 mg/l BAP and B5 with 10 mg/l 2,4-D + 0,2 mg/l BAP demonstrated the ability to spontaneous organogenesis and formed separate shoots. Conclusions. Conditions have been determined for the induction and proliferation of tissue culture from leaf, root, and shoot growth point explants of D. antarctica. The frequency of callus formation depended on the mineral composition of medium, ratios and concentrations of growth regulators, type of explant, and genotype of a donor-plant. As a result of spontaneous organogenesis, regenerated plants were obtained, conditions for their rooting in vitro were elaborated. The proposed methods for induction and proliferation tissue culture of D. antarctica in vitro can be used to produce the plant material useful for a various investigations.

Authors and Affiliations

I. I. Konvalyuk, L. P. Mozhylevs’ka, V. A. Kunakh


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  • EP ID EP660044
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.17.1.1196
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How To Cite

I. I. Konvalyuk, L. P. Mozhylevs’ka, V. A. Kunakh (2019). Callus formation and organogenesis in tissue culture Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv.. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 17(1), 8-15.