Introduction: A periodical database is important including for skin cancer. Periodical registration is needed to acknowledge changes in pattern and
frequencies of skin lesion. Objective: The purpose of this study was to...
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) carries a high morbidity and mortality, however, its diagnosis can be difficult due to low concentration of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Although increased CSF protein, decre...
Background: Consuming tempeh regularly increases the levels of isoflavones in the our body influencing
the IFNγ and macrophage activating factor (MAF) that lead to the in increase in the ability of macrophage
Introduction: Probiotics may play a role in immune system maturation and may reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in childhood. However, the
therapeutic benefits of probiotics in asthma depend on various factors such...
Infective endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart, particularly the cusps of valves characterized by fever and heart murmur, with or without
malaise and fatigue. Clinical features can be divided into earl...
EP ID EP219987
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How To Cite
Taufiqurrahman Nasihun (2016). Calorie Restriction, Stem Cells, and Rejuvenation Approach. SAINS MEDIKA (Journal of Medicine and Health), 7(2),
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Pattern and Frequency of Skin Malignancies at Laboratory of Pathology Anatomy Dr. Kariadi General Hospital in 2008-2009
Introduction: A periodical database is important including for skin cancer. Periodical registration is needed to acknowledge changes in pattern and frequencies of skin lesion. Objective: The purpose of this study was to...
The Relationship between Characteristics of Cerebospinal Fluid and Tuberculous Meningitis detected using Real Time PCR
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) carries a high morbidity and mortality, however, its diagnosis can be difficult due to low concentration of bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Although increased CSF protein, decre...
The Effect of Tempeh on the Ability of Macrophage Phagocytosis An experimental study in male Balb/c mice
Background: Consuming tempeh regularly increases the levels of isoflavones in the our body influencing the IFNγ and macrophage activating factor (MAF) that lead to the in increase in the ability of macrophage phagocytosi...
Probiotics Effect on Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Imunoglobulin E (IgE) Levels on Asthmatic Patients
Introduction: Probiotics may play a role in immune system maturation and may reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in childhood. However, the therapeutic benefits of probiotics in asthma depend on various factors such...
Infective Endocarditis in 60 Years Old Man at Dr. Kariadi Hospital
Infective endocarditis is an infection of the lining of the heart, particularly the cusps of valves characterized by fever and heart murmur, with or without malaise and fatigue. Clinical features can be divided into earl...