Carbetocin Versus Oxytocin for Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage after Vaginal Delivery in Combind Military Hospital at Mymensingh
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 8
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the one of the important cause of maternal mortality. All women who carry a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks’ gestation are at risk for PPH and its sequelae. Although maternal mortality rates have declined greatly in the developed world, PPH remains a top cause of maternal mortality elsewhere.Many different drugs and medications are apply to prevent this PPH. Carbetocin and oxytocin used mostly for curation of PPH. In this study our main objective to find most crucial and effective drug of PPH prevention by comparing the effectiveness of Carbetocin versus oxytocin. During the study double-blinded randomized study was done where 100 pregnant women divided into two groups: Group 1 (50women) received single 100 μg Iv dose of carbetocin and Group 2 received of 10 IU oxytocin Iv. In both groups received their drug after fetal and before placental delivery. During the study Women in carbetocin group showed a statistically significant lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure immediately after delivery and 60 min than women in oxytocin group.Regarding amount of bleeding (337.73 ± 118.77ml versus 378 ± 143.2ml), occurrence of PPH (28%versus 60%), need for other uterotonics (32% versus 52%) and hemoglobin difference between before and after delivery (0.4gm/dl versus 0.3gm/dl) which indicate carbetocin is a better alternative to traditional oxytocin for PPH treatment. Further study is needed for better outcome.
Authors and Affiliations
Maj. Nasrin Hasan, Lt Col. Apple Mahmud, Maj. Marlina Roy, Maj. Asma Rahman, Maj. Ehsanul Kabir
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