Cardiovascular response to static and dynamic trunk extensors endurance tests in healthy subjects

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 12, Issue 1


The objective of this study was to assess the cardiovascular response to static and dynamic trunk extensors endurance tests in healthy subjects. A pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study was conducted among 432 subjects. The subjects performed both Biering-Sørensen test of muscular endurance for static (BSME) and repetitive arch-up test (RAUT) for dynamic trunk extensors endurance until fatigue-exhaustion in a random order. The assessed cardiovascular parameters included: systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR) and rate pressure product (RPP). Data were also obtained on demographics as well as selected anthropometric parameters. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis at 0.05 alpha level. DBP, HR and RPP significantly (p<0.05) reduced following BSME. RAUT led to significant (p<0.05) reduction in SBP and DBP and the increase in HR and RPP (p<0.05). The effect of BSME and RAUT on SBP (-0.4251± 10.1 vs. -1.60± 10.7) and DBP (-1.00± 7.88 vs. -1.81± 11.5) were comparable (p>0.05) while RAUT evoked significantly higher HR (2.54± 8.53) and RPP (1712.3± 1419.9) response (p<0.05). SBP, DBP and HR response to both BSME and RAUT were signi­­ficantly higher among male subjects (p<0.05). Covariance analysis revealed that age had a significant interaction effect with SBP response on BSME (p<0.05). Static and dynamic trunk extensor endurance tests performed to exhaustion led to a significant reduction in blood pressure in healthy subjects. Dynamic trunk extensors endurance test evoked a significant rise in heart rate and myocardial oxygen demand index. The study found that age had a significant interaction effect on blood pressure response to static trunk extensors endurance test.

Authors and Affiliations

Chidozie Mbada, Saturday Oghumu, Olubusola Johnson, Olumide Dada, Abiola Ogundele, Oluwatosin Adeyemi


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How To Cite

Chidozie Mbada, Saturday Oghumu, Olubusola Johnson, Olumide Dada, Abiola Ogundele, Oluwatosin Adeyemi (2012). Cardiovascular response to static and dynamic trunk extensors endurance tests in healthy subjects. Fizjoterapia Polska, 12(1), 13-20.