Career Development, Job Security and Employee Loyalty at a Luxury Resort in Terengganu, Malaysia


Competent and loyal employees are the backbone to hotel operation and are seen as the greatest asset. This study investigates the relationship of career development and job security toward employee loyalty at luxury resort in Terengganu, Malaysia. A quantitative approach consists of questionnaire that included measures of career development, job security and employee loyalty was administered. A total of 60 usable data was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient. Alpha value showed that the items of the instrument had preferable value. Importantly, career development (M=3.64, SD=.928) and job security (M=3.70, SD=.768) are positively correlated to employee loyalty. It revealed that non-monetary benefits i.e. job security and career development had positive impact on employee loyalty. Developing and improving the dimensions would greatly assist hotel operators to create loyal employees for mutual benefits of the employees and the hotel.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohd Aliff Abdul Majid, Azlina Samsudin, Mohd Hazrin Iman Noorkhizan, Siti Nor Ain Mohd Noor, Nur Syazana Hanim Ahmad Zuffri


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  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i10/3422
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How To Cite

Mohd Aliff Abdul Majid, Azlina Samsudin, Mohd Hazrin Iman Noorkhizan, Siti Nor Ain Mohd Noor, Nur Syazana Hanim Ahmad Zuffri (2017). Career Development, Job Security and Employee Loyalty at a Luxury Resort in Terengganu, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(10), 667-674.