Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated with Anomalies of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered in a Dried Human Skull
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2021, Vol 5, Issue 3
Intracranial course of the internal carotid artery is complicated where the lacerum segment and cavernous segment are prone for compression due to anatomical variations in the middle cranial fossa. The present study reports anomalies encountered in middle cranial fossa which may lead to carotid artery syndrome. On routine examination of dried human skulls from the department of Anatomy, one skull was found to have anomalies in the middle cranial fossa. The foramen ovale was incomplete on right side and was found to be merged with incomplete foramen spinosum and both foramina were communicating with foramen lacerum. On the left side in the middle cranial fossa, a caroticoclinoid foramen was observed with ossification of carotico clinoid ligament. These entities may lead to carotid artery syndrome and other neurological complications. Carotico clinoid foramen and ossified carotico clinoid ligament may be congenital leading to ischemia or hemorrhagic changes in the brain due to carotid artery syndrome. Excision of carotico clinoid ligament could be the treatment in such cases. Hence, knowledge regarding the anatomical anomalies in the middle cranial fossa is of paramount importance to the neurosurgeons and radiologists in dealing with such rare syndromes. The present study reports anomalies in the middle cranial fossa encountered in a dried human skull. Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder "Carotid Artery Syndrome Associated with Anomalies of Middle Cranial Fossa Foramina Encountered in a Dried Human Skull" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-3 , April 2021, URL: Paper URL:
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Neelima. P | Dr. R. Ravi Sunder
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