Castables Based on Chamotte Waste with Addition of Fly Ash and Clay
Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue
The paper examined the conventional vibrating castables composed of a mixture of high alumina cement and chamotte waste with addition of fly ash and clay. The influence of particle size distribution on density, porosity, water absorption, cold crushing and flexural strength of castables was investigated. Particle size distribution was determined by the Dinger and Funk equation, using four different coefficients q. Three series of samples were investigated. In the first series as the smallest fraction was used high alumina cement only and chamotte waste in other fractions. In the second and third series the amount of cement was 20.6 % for all mixtures with different coefficient q. Instead part of cement and instead the finest fraction of chammotte waste it was used fly ash in second and clay in third series. Fly ash and clay do not significantly change the properties of castables and can be used as replacment for part of cement and for finest fraction of chamotte waste.
Authors and Affiliations
Marina Jovanović, Adnan Mujkanović, Nadira Bušatlić, I Čabraja, A Omerović
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