Cation-containing active carbons as photocatalysts for dyes degradation
Journal Title: Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 4
We have oxidized commercial coconut-shell-based activated carbon Aquacarb 607C with nitric acid. Prepared oxidized active carbon has micro-mesoporous structure and contains surface carboxyl and phenol/enol groups. Cation-exchanged forms of active carbon were prepared via impregnation of oxidized active carbon with copper and cobalt salts in aqueous solutions. We studied photodegradation of rhodamine B, methyl orange, and phenol under UV- and visible irradiation using oxidized carbon as well as its Cu- and Co-containing forms as catalysts. Initial oxidized active carbon is photoactive toward rhodamine B and methyl orange under UV illumination but inactive under action of visible light. At the same time, cation-exchanged forms of active carbon has improved activity toward rhodamine B, methyl orange, and phenol under both UV- and visible irradiation. Cu-containing active carbon has maximal activity under UV-irradiation: the rate constant of rhodamine B photocatalytic degradation Kd is 2.9·10-4 s-1 while Co-containing active carbon is the most active under visible irradiation – Kd=1.2·10-4 s-1. For 7 h irradiation, the degree of discoloration of dyes solutions reaches 90–95 % and degree of mineralization of dyes and phenol solutions (according to total organic carbon measurements) is 16–73 %.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Sydorchuk, S. V. Khalameida, O. I. Poddubnaya, M. M. Tsyba, A. M. Puziy
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