The article is a result of an affective reading of poetry by Justyna Bargielska. Such analytical practice, amply utilizing tools proposed by theoreticians of the so-called “affective approach”, becomes first and foremost...
The aim of the review is to discuss the main threads in Marguerite van
den Berg’s monograph Gender in the Post-Fordist Urban. The Gender Revolution in
Planning and Public Policy (2017). The author of the monograph analys...
The article discusses the transformations of the idea of park in modernity.
In the Age of Enlightenment Europe replaced the white of medieval cathedrals with
the green of parks. A man, like Candide from Voltaire’s satire...
On the one hand, the article plays with ageless motifs, and on the other hand, it attempts to present an introduction to studying images in contemporary computer games. Video games, which are products of contemporary cul...
Niemożliwe światy Justyny Bargielskiej. Lektura afektywna
The article is a result of an affective reading of poetry by Justyna Bargielska. Such analytical practice, amply utilizing tools proposed by theoreticians of the so-called “affective approach”, becomes first and foremost...
Freud i polityczność
Genderfikacja. Czy miasta mają płeć?
The aim of the review is to discuss the main threads in Marguerite van den Berg’s monograph Gender in the Post-Fordist Urban. The Gender Revolution in Planning and Public Policy (2017). The author of the monograph analys...
„Parki jutra” – idea parku w projektach architektów nowoczesności
The article discusses the transformations of the idea of park in modernity. In the Age of Enlightenment Europe replaced the white of medieval cathedrals with the green of parks. A man, like Candide from Voltaire’s satire...
Obraz gry, obrazy w grze – Ernst Bloch w kontekście gier komputerowych
On the one hand, the article plays with ageless motifs, and on the other hand, it attempts to present an introduction to studying images in contemporary computer games. Video games, which are products of contemporary cul...