Centralne zawroty głowy w przebiegu guzów tylnego dołu czaszki
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 3
Introduction. Many pathologies of the posterior fossa can induce vertigo or dizziness. Usually they are due to benign or malignant tumors. The aim. of our study was to present the cases of the patients with central vertigo attended to the Otorhinolaryngology emergency department of the University Hospital. Material and methods. The authors present three cases of the posterior cranial fossa tumors. All of the patients underwent a battery of audiovestibular tests. Each patient presented with positional vertigo, and electronystagmography revealed positional nystagmus indicative of a central lesion. In these cases positional vertigo was the first and only presenting symptom of central nervous system disease. Conclusions. The findings in these cases emphasize the need of looking for positional nystagmus in patients with suspected posterior fossa lesions as well as radiological diagnosis by using CT or MRI.
Authors and Affiliations
Wiesław Konopka, Jurek Olszewski
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