Cereal properties of different variety and strain of spelt wheat
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету - Year 2017, Vol 43, Issue 1
The results of the study on grain threshing, husk content, yield of cereal production, endosperm content in the caryopsis of different varieties and strains of spelt wheat are given. Cereal properties of spelt wheat vary depending on the variety and strain. Spelt wheat grain can be chaffy (Zoria Ukrainy variety and NAK 22/12 strain), not chaffy (Shvedska 1 variety, LPP 3117, P 3 and LPP 1221 strains) and half chaffy of other varieties. The husk content of spelt wheat grain varies in a wide range, from 30,4 to 64,8 %. This figure of most studied strains is much higher than the check variant (Zoria Ukrainy variety) which varies from 49,6 to 64,8 %. The husk content of Schwabenkorn variety and TV 1100 strain is 43.7 %, so the difference is not significant with the check variant (НІР05 = 2,3). This figure of NAK34/12–2 and NAK 22/12 strains and NSS 6/01 variety varies from 30,4 to 39,8 % which is significantly lower than the check variant. It is found that spelt wheat No. 1 has the highest yield that varies considerably depending on the variety and strain. Thus, the highest yield of this cereal is obtained from Shvedska 1, Zoria Ukrainy and Schwabenkorn varieties, from 88,3 to 89,8 %. Grain of P 3, LPP 1304, LPP 3122/2, LPP 3117 and LPP 3373 strains obtained by hybridization of Tr. aestivum/ Tr. spelta is characterized by the highest output, from 87,3 to 90,4 %. This figure of other strains varies from 83,7 to 86,2 %. Introgressive strains NAK 22/12 and TV 1100 have the yield of 89,7 and 90,2 % whole grains, while grain of NAK34/12–2 strain has a significantly lower yield of cereals (84,5 %). The tendency of rolled cereal yield is similar to the tendency of whole cereal yield, the indicator of which varies from 81,0 to 87,3 %. The yield of milled cereals is the lowest which varies from 77,6 to 79,5 %. It should be noted that the highest yield of milled cereals No. 2 is 50,4–51,3 %, the lowest yield of milled cereals No. 1 is 9,2–10,4 %, speaking about milled cereals. It is determined that the endosperm content in the caryopsis influences the yield of cereal products. It is shown that grain of Shvedska 1, Zoria Ukrainy and Schwabenkorn varieties, P 3, LPP 1304, LPP 3122/2, LPP 3117 and LPP 3373 strains has the best cereal properties concerning the yield of cereal products.
Authors and Affiliations
H. Hospodarenko, A. Martyniuk, V. Liubych, I. Polyanetska
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