Asymptotic integration of the equations of three-dimensional problems of the theory electroelasticity derived
recurrence formulas for determining the components of the stress tensor, displacement vector and electric pote...
A. M. Simonyan (1980). Certain aspects of uniaxial creep of metals.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 33(2),
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Pure bending of a circular beam made of different-modulus material.
Asymptotics of electroelasticity piezoceramic inhomogeneous plate with a circular hole and the thickness polarization
Asymptotic integration of the equations of three-dimensional problems of the theory electroelasticity derived recurrence formulas for determining the components of the stress tensor, displacement vector and electric pote...
The determination of the laws of gas consumption, pressure,density,and velocity changes along a long gas pipeline with a time depending work regime.
The problem of large elastic deformations for cylindrical flexure of a cuboid from piecewise linear material.
A derivation of evolution equation for the interaction between a weakly intensity high frequency waves in a gas-fluids media.