Journal Title: Економічна теорія та право - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 23


Problem setting. of my article is connected with economical activity in the field of air transport. Globalization and liberalization, law organization promote to the competition among native air companies and among foreign and native air companies. Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) is Ukraine’s leading airline. Recent research and publications analysis. The question of the air transportations development involved the attention of a lot scientist. Most contributions were made time to time. Among them are V. D. Bordynova, V. S. Gryaznova, I. A. Dikov’ska, V. I. Rygov, S. M. Zadorognya, V. M.Tyhonova. But this area of research approach is unknown enough. But at the same time the most problems haven’t been studied properly so far. This is due to high complexity of this subject. Paper objective. The main task for Ukraine air transpirations to be state at the first category according to FAA aviation safety standards as well as a liberalization of airspace. Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) is Ukraine’s leading airline. Ukraine International Airlines was the first airline in the CIS to have earned the distinction of receiving the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Certificate, having entered into the IOSA Registry. Paper main body. It is necessary to revalue the social-economical relations in our country in nowadays. Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) is Ukraine’s leading airline. In 2004 Ukraine by its air imperfection was placed to the second airline in the CIS, and it was so hard for air Ukraine aviation to be replaced back to the first airline in the CIS (2013). The processes of liberalizations are during for many years in Ukraine. With the regard to the liberalization of airspace there is certain benefits such as removing restrictions of the number of designated carries, the frequency of flights and destinations from different countries, empowering operations to different destinations, as well as harmonization of standards and servers’ level for passengers and baggage in line with international standards. The one of the air victories for air Ukraine aviation is the signing the agreement named «The open sky» in 2015. Before the signing of this agreement was an experiment in Lviw. But many questions should be completed and accomplished. Conclusions of the research. Summing up, it is necessary to lead the native air standards and Ukraine law to the foreign standards. In order to it, Ukraine government should solve the following tasks: to solve the problem of the certification of native airplanes, to search native investors to the Ukraine aviation and its development, the cooperation with foreign air companies. The normal and safe operation of the airline industry is possible only with the proper level of implementation of international air law and government support. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article is devoting to the basic law-economical questions of the Ukraine aviation and its following liberalization. The main achievements of UIA are examined in the article. The following development of the Ukraine aviation will have certain positive influence not only for Ukraine aviation, but for Ukraine development in general.

Authors and Affiliations

В. С. Вельцен


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How To Cite

В. С. Вельцен (2015). CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF THE LAW ORGANIZATION IN THE UKRAINE AIR TRANSPORTATIONS. Економічна теорія та право, 4(23), 157-164. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-222003