Chakshushyadravya Guidelines for Health Promotion of Eyes


There are many topics in our ayurveda classics about which we have limited knowledge like Chakshushya dravyas. There are various Chakshushya dravyas are described in Ayurvedic literature both in Bruhatrayi and Laghutrayi. BhavprakashNighantu is one amongthese Samhitas of laghutrayi. This nighantumainly deals withDravyaguna. The reason behind choosing BhavprakashNighantu for the study is its karmapradhanya. Two types of chakshushyadravyas are described in this nighantu,one is Chakshuhitakaraka i.e. beneficial for eyes and other are Chakshurogaharai.e used for treating eye disorders. How these Chakshushyadravyas are doing their work on Chakshurindriys is not mentioned by any author. Here in present article, we will attempt critical analysis on Chakshushyadravyas and their line of action on the basis of Rasapanchaka. I n the generation of 4th antibiotic, chakshushyadravyas will defiantly help in the protection of eye diseases or prevention of eye disease from common man to general practionar.

Authors and Affiliations

Rupali Bhaurao Ramteke, A. P. Vaijwade


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How To Cite

Rupali Bhaurao Ramteke, A. P. Vaijwade (2017). Chakshushyadravya Guidelines for Health Promotion of Eyes. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-8.