Challenges in Performing Role-play as an Assessment: Students' Views


Spoken English lesson prepares students with the basic interactive skills such as exchanging greetings, expressing thanks and apologies, making request, seeking information and services and a lot more. However, the students still encounter the challenges when it comes to role-playing. The major challenges in implementing role-play in foreign language classroom are the play acting, chaos in the classroom, the lack of grammar work and lack of chances to participate. This study is aimed to seek the information on the challenges faced by students during an assessed role-play task. Hence, a quantitative survey research is designed to gather collective information of students’ insight on the possible hitches they may encounter when performing a role-play. The selection of this method is justified by the need to understand whether there is statistically significant difference of the students responses based on their different groups. Data from this study may provide useful information for language educators in developing curriculum, assessments, and methodology of teaching.

Authors and Affiliations

Nurul Nadwa Ahmad Zaidi, Muhd Syahir Abdul Rani, Zarinatun Ilyani Abdul Rahman


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  • EP ID EP639599
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i12/3604
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How To Cite

Nurul Nadwa Ahmad Zaidi, Muhd Syahir Abdul Rani, Zarinatun Ilyani Abdul Rahman (2017). Challenges in Performing Role-play as an Assessment: Students' Views. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(12), 186-202.