Challenging Leech Assault Commencing Wireless Adhoc Set of Connections


An ad hoc network could be a cluster of wireless nodes, during which every node will communicate over multi hop methods to the other node while not the assistance of any pre-existing infrastructure like base station or access points.Due to these feature unintended low power wireless networks area unit capable of device and pervasive computing that forms the wireless unintended sensor network. Unintended need no centralized administration that the network infrastructure will be shaped quickly and cheap started is required.Unintended networks area unit being employed in operation, emergency disaster relief and community networking. a crucial security issue that has been known in these networks is resource depletion attack at routing layer protocol. These attacks drain nodes battery power fully, in order that the network is for good disabled. Thus these attacks area unit termed as lamia attacks. at the same time as there exist several secure routing protocols, they're unable to shield the network from lamia attacks. Therefore as a shot to eliminate lamia attacks, 3 primary contributions has been introduced. i. analysis of the vulnerabilities of existing protocols. ii. Division of performance of assorted protocols within the existence of solitary lamia. iii. Modification of existing protocol to eat lamia attacks. Ad-hoc low- power wireless networks area unit. Associate degree exciting analysis direction in sensing and pervasive computing. Previous security adds this space has targeted totally on denial of communication at the routing or medium access management levels. This paper explores resource depletion attacks at the routing protocol layer, that for good disable networks by quickly exhausting nodes’ battery power. These “Vampire” attacks aren't specific to any specific protocol, however rather deem the properties of the many fashionable categories of routing protocols. we discover that every one examined protocols area unit at risk of lamia attacks, that area unit devastating, troublesome to discover, and area unit straightforward to hold out mistreatment as few collectively malicious corporate executive causation solely protocol compliant messages. within the worst case, one lamia will increase network-wide energy usage by an element of O(N),Wherever N within the range of network nodes. We have a tendency to discuss ways to mitigate these sorts of attacks, together with a brand new proofof-concept protocol that incontrovertibly bounds the injury caused by Vampires throughout the packet forwarding part.

Authors and Affiliations

Kantheti Bhanu Prakash| M.Tech (CSE), Bapatla Engineering College, A.P., India, Kumararaja Jetti| Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College, A.P., India


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Kantheti Bhanu Prakash, Kumararaja Jetti (2015). Challenging Leech Assault Commencing Wireless Adhoc Set of Connections. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 3(7), 264-269.