Change in shareholding in partnerships: tax effects
Journal Title: Doradztwo Podatkowe - Biuletyn Instytutu Studiów Podatkowych - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 270
<i><b>Termination of the cooperation of partners within a partnership can be brought about in several ways, including termination of the partnership agreement (resp. articles of partnership) and winding-up/liquidation of the partnership, or exiting the partnership by a partner whereas its operations continue under the altered composition. The partner that intends to discontinue his/her cooperation within the partnership may terminate the agreement and exit the partnership. Such a partnership may continue to exist if at least two partners have remained or another person has joined the partnership. Disposal of the general rights and obligations in the partnership is an alternative option.<br> The article considers whether, in terms of the tax law, a change in the personal composition of a partnership consisting in one partner exiting and another joining the partnership would imply effects equivalent to those occurring resulting from disposal of the general rights and obligations. As a rule, leaving a partnership by a partner is the reason to dissolve and wind-up/liquidate the partnership. Such winding-up/liquidation is a must for two-member partnerships. If there are more partners, whether the partnership continues or is subject to winding-up/liquidation becomes conditional upon those who remain in the partnership and, in the first place, of the wording of its underlying partnership agreement.</b></i><br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Sobiech, Maciej Sobiech
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